Dietetic & Lactation Consults in the comfort of your own home or at my office

Nutrition & Lactation
Registered Dietitian & International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Breast Pump Demo Centre

Lize Esterhuysen
I obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Dietetics from the University of Pretoria. I have worked in the government and private sector where maternal health and paediatrics were the main focus. My passion for the positive dietary impact I could have on the antenatal time frame and on the first 1000 days of a child's life grew and I decided to study further and specialise in the field of breastfeeding and lactation.
I qualified as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in June 2019.
I also became a mother of a precious baby boy in October 2019, where my own personal breastfeeding journey blossomed into the most incredible experience I could ever have imagined.
Our baby girl was born also in October, 3 years later.
I am a passionate breastfeeding mother, dietitian & lactation consultant.

"I was very fortunate to be able to breastfeed my baby exclusively while I was on maternity leave, however, once I returned to work my milk supply drastically decreased and I wanted to express so that I could keep feeding my baby mommy's milk for as long as possible. I was hysterical! Lize comforted me and gave me excellent advice and tips on increasing my milk supply and creating a calm environment for expressing. It really helped. I was able to keep giving my baby liquid gold. Later on, she gave me guidance with regard to excellent iron-rich foods that I could feed my son when he became 6 months old. Thank you Lize, you come highly recommended." -Adele
"Ek was al op al wat n dieet is. Hoë protein, 28 dae, sop, eier... you name it and I tried it. Ek en Lize het eendag gesels oor ek 2 keer op 'n dag oefen en steeds verloor ek nie gewig nie. Sy het toe vir my 'n eetplan gestuur en ek het vol entoesiasme daarmee begin. Dit het binne 'n week resultate opgelewer. Ek het nie net gewig in kilogram verloor nie, maar in sentimeters ook. Ek was nie moeg nie. Ek het ook nooit honger gevoel nie. Dis nie 'n dieet nie, maar 'n leefstyl." -Ilinda