Dietetic & Lactation Consults in the comfort of your own home or at my office

I come from a small town in the Eastern Free State where horse riding after school was the norm.
I decided to study a Bachelor's Degree in Dietetics at the University of Pretoria and resided in House Erika.
After obtaining my degree, I moved to Rustenburg to complete my Community Service year at Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital where my passion for maternal health and peadiatrics grew. I traveled to the rest of Africa for a few months before starting at Jubilee Hospital as a senior clinical dietitian. I was an MBFI educator and focused on breastfeeding education. I worked with Severe Acute Malnutrition on a daily basis.
I was also the senior regional dietitian for an international catering company, where I trained staff on all therapeutic diets including how to correctly prepare these diets in a variety of hospital and retirement village settings. Therapeutic menu planning, analysis of menus and report writing was also part of my responsibilities.
I continued my studies in breastfeeding and lactation and did a 40-hour course and 1000 hours clinical experience to be able to write the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Examination (IBCLE). I received my IBCLC certification in June 2019.
After having my baby boy in October 2019, I started my own private practice in dietetics and lactation.
Our family moved from Pretoria to George in early 2020 where I am currently based .

Allied Healthcare Professional of the Year