The first day of conception up until your child’s second birthday is known as the first 1000 days of life. This is a very crucial time in the development of the brain of a child. Ideally, all pregnancies should be planned in order for the mother to ensure she's following a healthy diet and have a healthy microbiome three months prior to conception. By continuing a healthy lifestyle throughout the pregnancy, normal vaginal birth, breastfeeding exclusively and the correct introduction of solids are all essential for the first 1000 days of life.

We all know salt, sugar and MSG’s are not healthy and are directly linked to numerous illnesses, but still, processed and convenient food items are being fed to babies and toddlers. Babies don’t need juice, chocolates, and chips, they need wholesome food to nourish their precious bodies.
A study done by Morris, Cogill, and Uauy in 2008, has estimated that by correcting nutritional deficiencies in this time frame, the world’s intelligence quotient can be increased by 10 points.
The brain has the potential to grow throughout life, but during the last trimester of pregnancy up until two years of age, the brain has the highest plasticity. Therefore this time frame is crucial for development and growth but is however also vulnerable to any nutrient deficiencies.
During this time, you as a mother have the opportunity to “build” a healthier future for your little one or at least provide your little one with the best chance to avoid illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
Nutrition has the power to play a fundamental role in the development of a child’s life. It is directly linked to the ability of a country to prosper as children are the future of any country. Poor nutrition causes irreversible damage to the growing brain. This impacts their ability to flourish in school and impacts all future working opportunities. This makes it so much harder for a family to rise out of poverty.
Studies show that those countries that fail to ensure the nutritional well-being of women and children during this crucial window of the first 1000 days, lose billions to lower economic growth and productivity. Higher health costs are also seen due to the fact that lifestyle diseases such as cardiac illnesses and diabetes are directly linked to poor nutrition.
By investing nutritionally in the first 1000 days, you have a chance to positively impact your child’s future and this is not something to take lightly.
I encourage you to read up on the benefits of breastfeeding and baby-led weaning and make an appointment with a specialist in the field. It is important to gain knowledge and to make informed choices regarding your little one’s future. It begins before conception and family planning is essential.

The famous oath by Hippocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still applicable after all these years. The famous oath by Hippocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still applicable after all these years.
The famous oath by Hippocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still applicable after all these years.
The famous oath by Hippocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still applicable after all these years.
The famous oath by Hippocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still applicable after all these years.The famous oath by Hippocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still applicable after all these years.
By eating healthy food that nourishes your body ensures that you have a healthy GUT, which means that you have all the good bacteria that you need to build a healthy immunity for yourself. It also means that you look after those precious good bacteria to ensure you build a healthy microbiome for your baby during pregnancy and delivery and lastly you ensure that all the good bacteria in your baby’s GUT flourishes by the food you give it, namely, breast milk. All this leads to lifelong benefits for your baby.
The company Cell Restore has excellent products to ensure a healthy GUT that is also safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Go and explore their site at and have a look for yourself.
Morris SS, Cogill B, Uauy R. 2008 Maternal and Child Undernutrition Study Group. Effective international action against undernutrition: why has it proven so difficult and what can be done to accelerate progress? Lancet 16;371(9612):608-21.