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To eat or not to eat? Gas-forming food and Breastfeeding


Can I include gas-forming foods in my diet while breastfeeding?

Yes, please do! There is no reason to avoid gas forming foods if you are breastfeeding. It is a MYTH, not a FACT.

Whenever a breastfeeding baby is experiencing some discomfort or cramps, which is a normal phenomenon due to their immature Gastro-Intestinal Tract (GIT), the diet of the breastfeeding mom is always first in line when blame is being dished out. Ever heard of Infant Dyschezia? It might be a good idea to get acquainted with this term.

Formula fed babies also struggle with gas, but nobody is blaming the formula? What we must take into consideration is that when a baby is born, their systems are all still immature, especially the GIT.

Lets have a look at the physiology behind it. First of all, lets say you had broccoli for lunch. Broccoli is a gas-forming food item. In short, mechanical digestion of the broccoli starts in the mouth by chewing. Chemical digestion also starts in the mouth with saliva. The ensyme, Amylase breaks down carbohydrates. Lipase breakdown fats in the mouth. When the food reaches the stomach, it is broken down even further by hydrochloric acid or better known as stomach acid. Protein starts their digestion in the stomach by the ensyme, Pepsin. So in other words, the broccoli was broken down to smaller pieces through chewing and was further broken down through chemical digestion. When the broken down broccoli reaches your stomach, it is digested even further.

When the digested broccoli reaches the intestines, further chemical breakdown takes place in the duodenum (the first part of your intestines). The nutrients of the broccoli you ate, are ready to be absorbed into the bloodstream by the microvilli found inside your intestines. Microvilli can be visualised as finger-like villi that aids in the absorption of food molecules, water etc.

All “left-over” food particles such as water, cellulose and indigestible materials are left in the large intestine. Water is absorbed back into the bloodstream through the villi. The rest can be used as food for the bacteria found in your intestines and then be excreted.

Breast milk is produced from your blood and the nutrients found in your blood. If your baby needs more of a specific nutrient, your body will make use of your own stores. This is why we recommend a healthy diet for you as mom, to replenish your own stores.

Some babies might be sensitive to certain flavours. Let say you did not really eat spicy, hot food during pregnancy because you do not really like spicy food, but sometime after the birth of your little one, you had one too many samoosas. This might cause some real discomfort in your little one, because he is not used to these flavours and it might be too hot for him to digest and excrete without discomfort. Just as it might be too hot for you to digest without any discomfort.

Being a new mom is hard enough. There is no need to avoid a whole list of food in your diet to be able to breastfeed. If you suspect an allergy, there are numerous symptoms that goes hand in hand with allergies, not just cramps. It is best to contact your healthcare professional for some tests or book an appointment to discuss these symptoms.

Go on and enjoy a variety of foods, this will help your baby get a taste for these foods and will only benefit you and baby when solids are introduced!



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